Home Business How To Recognise Keyword Cannibalisations To Improve Your SEO

How To Recognise Keyword Cannibalisations To Improve Your SEO

How To Recognise Keyword Cannibalisations To Improve Your SEO

Keyword cannibalisation is a situation where you have multiple pages on your website that rank for the same keyword. 

This can happen if you have 301 redirects or duplicate content, but it’s also possible that it’s the result of manual actions taken by site owners. Therefore you need the help of SEO Australia expert to get the job done correctly.

What Is Keyword Cannibalization?

Cannibalisation occurs when one page has the same keyword as another page on your website. This can happen if you have a page with a high search volume (like “best dog food for puppy”) and then you create a second page that uses the same exact keyword (like “reviews of the best dog food for puppies”).

While creating additional pages can help with your SEO Australia , it can also cause problems. The first reason is that all of these pages will compete against each other for rankings in Google search results. If there are multiple pages on your site that use similar keywords, it will be difficult to rank all of them in Google and they will end up cannibalising each other’s traffic instead of benefiting from cross-promotion.

SEO Australia

Organic Search Traffic Impact of Keyword Cannibalization

You’ve probably heard about keyword cannibalisation, and you may have even experienced it firsthand. For those of you who haven’t, keyword cannibalisation is when two or more pages on your site share the same keywords. When this happens, search engines will often rank all of the pages containing those terms together in the results page based on their page score. This doesn’t necessarily mean that every term has been cannibalised—just that some are.

You may be wondering why this is bad for SEO Australia in general? Well, if your site does well for an important keyword (like “SEO”), but another page ranks higher than yours because of a combination of long-tail variations (like “best seo services”) then visitors might click on those results instead of yours because they appear closer to what they’re searching for. In addition to hurting user experience and lowering conversion rates, Google has said they’ll penalise sites with high levels of duplication like this so it’s important that you keep an eye out for any instances where there could be a problem with duplicate content or low quality content spreading across multiple pages on your site

To check for cannibalised keywords, you need to look at two things:

  • Your site’s organic search traffic and keyword ranking
  • The keyword cannibalisation ratio between your pages

How To Fix Keyword Cannibalization?

There are two steps in fixing keyword cannibalization. First, identify the problem and then fix it.

  • Identify Keyword Cannibalization: Google Search Console (formerly known as Webmaster Tools) or Google Analytics will show you which of your keywords are being cannibalized by other keywords on your site. 
  • In addition to this, you can also go through keyword research reports and find out which of your keywords are being used in a way that is similar or identical to others within the same ad group. This means that instead of all these keywords targeting separate audiences, they should be grouped together in one ad group so that each keyword has its own unique target audience.
  • Fixing Keyword Cannibalization: Once you have identified which keywords have been cannibalized by other ones on your website then it’s time for some optimization! Decide what needs doing first based on how many people have clicked on those specific pages/ads or how much revenue was generated due to them being shown as ads (the higher the percentage here means more likely there’s something wrong!). 
  • Then change up any duplicate content issues before finally moving any other affected pages into new ad groups where they can thrive alongside one another instead of competing against each other!

Understanding Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalisation occurs when two or more of your pages have the same keywords in their title tags, meta descriptions, and/or body text. 

When this happens, Google will see those pages as duplicates and serve them up in its search results. The problem with that is that it can lead to confusion for the user who might not realise they’re seeing multiple copies of the same content. For example:

User searches for “iPhone 6s deals” on Google and gets back a list showing five results each from different sites offering deals on iPhones and other similar products (e.g., Android phones). 

Four out of five are using identical titles with slightly different descriptions below them (which would be fine except for one thing—the fifth result has an almost identical title but adds an extra line at the top saying “This Site Has No Affiliation With Apple Incorporated or Its Affiliates”). 

This makes it hard for users to know where they should go first because all six sites look like they could provide similar information about iPhone 6s deals without distinguishing themselves from each other much beyond that disclaimer at the top of one page.

Why Is Keyword Cannibalization Bad For SEO?

When you’re writing content for your website, it can be easy to fall into a pattern of repeating keywords throughout the text. This is called keyword cannibalisation, and it’s bad for SEO because it signals to search engines that your content isn’t unique.

Duplicate content issues are another reason why keyword cannibalisations are bad for SEO. Search engines like Google penalise sites that have duplicate pages or otherwise violate their guidelines by demoting them in search results or even removing them entirely. 

While this won’t happen if you have a few words repeated across pages (like when you’re writing multiple posts on a similar topic), too much duplication could lead to serious consequences.

How To Recognize Cannibalized Keywords?

In order to identify which keywords are cannibalising your SEO, you’ll need to utilise the following tools:

  • Search Console
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • SERP (search engine results pages)
  • Keyword Planner (for keyword research) and other keyword tools like Spyfu or SEMrush.

What Should You Do If Your Website Has Cannibalized Keywords?

If you’re dealing with cannibalization of keywords, here are some steps to take:

  • Remove the duplicate content. This is the easiest fix and will help boost your site’s overall performance. Make sure to remove duplicate content from all pages of your website and don’t forget about images, videos and PDFs.
  • Rewrite the content. If you have too many keyword-stuffed pages on your site that aren’t delivering quality content for users, start by rewriting them so they can provide value to users instead of just ranking well in search engines. You want each page to give something unique or different than other pages on your site so there isn’t any confusion as far as what information they should be providing goes (ease off the SEO jargon!)
  • Rephrase keywords in titles and headings if possible (but not excessively). This could include using synonyms for existing keywords and rephrasing those terms into more natural language without sacrificing their meaning or value within search results – this also helps avoid duplication issues since multiple sites may use similar phrases but mean different things when doing so!

Thus you need to take the help of SEO Australia experts thus choose them correctly with the proper reference and research.